bengal cat


In Ancient Times Cats Were Worshipped As Gods, They Have Not Forgotten This.

Almost everyone agrees that a Bengal kitten is really cute! But is the Bengal cat’s personality right for you? Before adopting a Bengal cat, it is better to know more about the temperament and personality of this beautiful breed as it will grow with you.


Why does the Bengal cat have a different personality?

The Bengal cat was created by a crossbreeding of the domestic cat and the Asian leopard. This little leopard from the jungle has left several personality traits to the Bengal cat. But do not be afraid, the Bengal cat has a really affectionate temperament.

What is the Bengal cat’s personality like?

True Bengals are NOT a beginners cat. We always ask that you have had a cat or a dog before investing into a true Bengal.

The Bengal cat is extremely intelligent and has a personality. By nature, it is a hunter who loves to play, climb and perch high. You will make it very happy by providing a cat tree and a cat wheel. Like a little doggy; You can easily teach your Bengal a lot of things, such as fetching the ball or doing tricks and it will rush to you as soon as you call its name.

It’s great living with a Bengal cat, but The Bengal cat requires attention and can be considered to be a high maintenance pet. It loves you and wants to spend time with you, it will follow you everywhere in the house. You might also find that your Bengal Bonds to one particular person in the household.

You will fall for the personality of the Bengal cat much more than you could imagine…and who doesn’t want a jungle cat following them like a best friend?


How is the Bengal cat with children and other animals?

The Bengal cat is described as sweet and loyal and enjoys the company of children and other animals, even dogs, because their presence puts action in their life but generally they’re not cuddly cats. People who do not have children or other animals will sometimes decide on having a 2nd Bengal so they can have fun and play together. As the Bengal cat has a hunting instinct, he should not be left alone with small animals like birds, guinea pigs, hamsters or small rabbits.

Do all Bengal cats have a good character?

Obviously the answer is no. 

Character and personality traits will vary from one cat to another. The Breeder is of the utmost importance, since the kitten’s socialization made by the breeder during the first weeks of life will have a direct impact on the future temperament. For a Bengal cat to be kind and affectionate, it must be socialized and be cared for very intensively from an early age. Also, kittens can often have some temperament traits of their parents, so it is extremely important to carefully select breeding Bengal cats that have nice personalities.

At Big Star Bengals, temperament is a priority and naturally; an F2 Bengal cat will have quite the “wild side’” but for our females, we seek out leopards that display being extremely timid, not aggressive. Our F3 and F4 Bengals are much tamer but as smart as a Raptor.

If you are good to your Bengal, it will always remember and be good to you back.


Does the Bengal cat like to go outside?

A Bengal is extremely intelligent and can handle itself pretty well in the great outdoors and will go anywhere with you, even swimming…but going outside carries a lot of risks you may want to consider, like tics, fleas, disease caught from contact with another infected cat, your Bengal catching a rodent and getting worms… and if you accustom your cat to going outside it may one day find an open window and go explore; we can guarantee that there is someone out there who will keep your incredible cat for themselves if they “find” it. There have also been instances where a lost Bengal will be “found” on the news as mistaken for a Jaguar or a Cougar; you may not want that kind of attention.



  • Where is my family? I want to sit and listen to the conversation.
  • Action, bring it on! You will not be bored with me. Get the cameras rolling.
  • Before you go, turn on the TV, to the cat channel please.
  • What’s for dinner, smells good, I’d best jump up and help.
  • I wonder where I could take my nap?
  • What kind of mischief can I get into today
  • I feel like chatting , I’ll call out and if they answer I’ll come right away.
  • My master is walking, I’d better stay right under and as close as possible.
  • It’s forbidden to go there … I wonder why?
  • That chair looks expensive…(protracts claws)
  • I love to play in the water, I hope it’s bath time soon.
  • That’s a door handle, I’ll show you how to use it.
  • Where is the highest point in the house so I can perch there and watch the family.
  • It’s nighttime, I had better start to hunt.
  • …That was a great night, I did so much! I had better take a long nap today.

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